Language Arts

Having previously learned to apply basic reading, thinking, and writing strategies, materials and opportunities are provided to enhance and expand the seventh grade student’s skills and knowledge. Using a reading anthology and a variety of fiction and non-fiction books, the student examines the interrelationship of information and ideas for content and enjoyment. Also, the author’s purpose for writing and methods are studied. Application is then made to personal writing and speaking. The student analyzes and writes more complex sentences, paragraphs, and short essays. Emphasis is placed on accurately and effectively explaining and supporting ideas. An opportunity for creative expression in a variety of forms is included within the lessons/units.


Saxon Math Course 2 was designed to provide a smooth transition for students between sixth grade math (Course 1) and pre-algebra. It presents upper-level concepts but in a lower-level manner. Using visual pictures or diagrams shows students how to work each problem and makes the problem easier to solve. It presents a “gentle” way to help students develop thought patterns that are productive as well as preparing them for similar problems in pre-algebra where less guidance is given.



The Old Testament unfolds God’s plan for salvation, emphasizes God’s unending faithfulness toward His people, and focuses on the power of the Holy Spirit working through God’s Word to strengthen His people for the challenges of living and sharing their faith in a challenging world.



Human biology and genetics are studied at this level. Students explore organ systems and their interconnected nature. Learning that each system is essential for life gives the student a greater appreciation for life and the components that sustain life systems and who they are. Sound, light and the characteristics of waves, along with magnetism, electricity, and motion are studied, as well as some universal laws that govern the behavior of these things. Earth and its neighbors are explored as we gain an understanding of what causes changes on earth and within our solar system. Weather, climate, and resources we use and how to conserve them are areas that are studied. (Topics rotate every other year. Same for 7th and 8th grades.)


Social Studies

As our 7th grade year begins, we examine the roots of our United States as the world enters the Age of Discovery. The establishment of European colonies in the Americas brings many changes for the adventurous at heart as well as those already here. As the American colonies seek independence, we learn about the contributions of groups and individuals in the founding of a new nation. Students have an opportunity to see government in action and how our Constitution works for all people.


Students continue to study the great works of master artists and are taught that art is in everything we see. At this age, they are taught the process is just as important as the finished product. Students will be introduced to different careers in art, the role art plays in society and that God is the center of it all.



Computer class builds on what is learned in the previous years. Students will learn about the Google the platform through: Google Drive, Google Classroom, Google Sheets and Google Slides. Keyboarding skills will continue to be practiced through Typing Club. Students will learn about digital citizenship and how to stay safe on the internet. Lessons in program coding will be taught through Scratch.

The online Quaver music program introduces and expands musical concepts and provides opportunities for students to develop their own musical skills through cooperative learning, interactive videos and activities, songs, quizzes, and projects.

Physical Education

Fundamental skills and strategies are more complex at this level. Games that emphasize control and accuracy while throwing, volleying, batting, striking with rackets or hockey sticks, and hand and foot dribbling are played. Seventh graders will be able to identify and describe aspects of a physically healthy lifestyle. Health related fitness and personal and social behaviors continue to be discussed.

Chess (elective Grades 5-8)
It’s not about Kings, Queens and Rooks, but rather quadrants and coordinates, thinking strategically, and foreseeing consequences. It’s about lines and angles, weighing options and making decisions. Chess is an ideal teaching and learning tool. Research shows there is a strong correlation between learning to play chess and academic achievement. Chess teaches higher level thinking skills such as visualization, analyzation and thinking critically. Chess class will be a mix of fun, competition and learning. Students develop confidence and focus and gain valuable academic skills while having fun.

Current Events at PWC (elective Grades 5-8)
Students in this elective are introduced to journalism. They are the school’s news source when it comes to PWC sports, special events and K-8 classroom activities. Newscasts are created through the work of a crew of anchors, reporters and camera operators and shown to the school each month.

Drama (elective Grades 5-8)
This elective offers basic introduction to drama terms and techniques. Instructional periods include time to put into practice the skills addressed, including stage production and instruction in behind-the-scenes. Several small productions occur throughout the year. Students also help put on a spring musical.

Peer Ministry (Grades 6-8)
This course takes place once a week and is led by the church youth pastor. Students gain a deeper understanding of Christ and His impact on our Christian worldview. A focus is on creating and establishing strong peer relationships that will last into high school. Students discover the benefits of being part of a Christian community.

One in Christ, Concordia Publishing House, 2012
Memory Curriculum, One in Christ, Concordia Publishing House, 2012

English Standard Version Bible – Crossway 2001

Interactive Science: Earth Science, Pearson Education, Inc. 2011

Prentice Hall Writing Coach (grade 7), Pearson, 2012

Greek & Latin Roots – The Learning Works, 2009

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

A Single Shard

Crispin: Cross of Lead

The Giver

United States History, Beginnings to 1877, Holt McDougal, 2012

Saxon Math – Harcourt Achieve, Inc. and Stephen Hake, 2007

Avancemos 1a, Holt McDougal, 2010

Art First Nations — Zuk & Bergland, 2001

Physical Education for Elementary School Children – Kirchner/Glenn – William C. Brown Publishers, 1989

Quaver Music – online music curriculum

Meet the Masters – Meet the Masters

Typing Club – online keyboarding

Scratch – online coding